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Razor Script Library

A directory listing of all script and files on this page can be accessed by clicking on the link below:

Download all the scripts. (zip file)

The scripts provide useful tools and tips when working with and customizing your Razor environment. The sample files support script functionality as well as customizing your Razor environment. These scripts are generally the result of requests made by customers for specific functionality. We hope that you will find these examples to be useful.

Below the summary of scripts section, there is a description of functionality section that outlines each script's functionality.

Summary of Scripts

A fast version for getting RCS files from a Thread

A fast version for getting SCCS files from a Thread

activity_range Show activity on all files in range of date specified

attr_to_xy Create a generic set of Xdefaults for X/Y positioning.


Build a Permissions file based on STATE settings.

cascade Output file info showing date, version, type and name

changes_to_thread Summarize updated files in the specified thread

close_by_submitter Limit closure of an issue to submitter only


Open & closed issues for a specified time period

create_version_doc Create a software version document in html.

diff_it Output sdiff of latest ver of a file with another ver

display_issue Output the contents of a specified issue

display_issues Output the contents of the specified issues

double_click Sample script for the threads double-click action.

dump_db Dump the contents of a group in the database

extract_project Extract the contents of a project thread

file_diff Output sdiff of two versions of a file

file_must_change Script to allow check-in only if file changed

find_empty Find all empty directories in the group specified.


Create html table of associated issues

get_checkin_info Check-in after script data dump

get_previous_issue Get the previous version of an issue

get_template Get a template file for create_version_doc

ileaf.after Sample after script which extracts interleaf files

ileaf.before Sample before script which combines interleaf files

intro.before Sample introduce before script which sets Filetype

is_member_of_role Determine if $USER is a member of the specified role.

is_on_access_list Verify that a user has permission for an operation

issue_closed_since Output issues closed (last state) since a specified date

issue_dup Sample script to duplicate an issue

issue_forward Sample script to forward an issue to another database

issue_mail Example of sending email to a user specified on an issue

issue_query Example script to allow users to query a db via email

issue_state_report Report on issues at a specified state with specified attr


Short summary of issues output in HTML format

issues_wrapper Start the issues program only if 2 or more licenses remain

list_all_files Output a list of all files in the system.

list_open_issues Summarize open issues. Used by create_version_doc.

list_thread Output a list of files in the specified thread.

mail_from_attrs Sends mail based on a field on the issue form

mail_issue_changes Mail issue diffs to originator and those in Responsibility

may_i Allows only a specific user to promote files to Tested

must_have_issues Before script which forces the user to attach issues


Before script which forces user to attach issues at state

new_issue_notify Create after script to email to user in Engineer field

notify_assigned Send email notification to assigned user


Notify the responsible user(s) of issue inactivity

notify_on_assigned Sample email catcher which redirects mail to Assigned user

notify_on_closure Notifies originator when issue is closed

print_ps_sum Sample postscript summary of issues


Report script indicating tally of priority vs. state


Report of project version history.


Promote all files in a thread to specified state

razor_browse Alternate file browse viewer script

razor_browse.emacs Alternate file browse viewer script for Emacs


Alternate HTML file browse viewer script for Netscape

reporter Sample report generation for HTML or ASCII reports.

reporter.cron Example cron script to run the "reporter"

resubmit Resubmit issues rejected during db sync

role_to_user_list Convert a list of users & roles to a list of users


Replacement for rz_issue_mod_mail, emails issue changes Platform independent sample file Platform independent rz_prep sample file

sample.error_notice Sample attached before script to popup an error notice

sample_toolbox_usage Sample use of rz_toolbox


Sample use of rz_toolbox to process large file lists

set_child_issue Set the child issue for the defined parent

set_permission Uses rz_toolbox to set execute perms on Script files

show_ver_gt List files whose version is greater than an input value

sorted_issue_summary Output list of open issues sorted by Priority

spill Debugging aid. Shows args and env params in an xterm

state_avg Report matrix showing avg time between states by priority

state_avg.tbl Table used by state_avg_html

state_avg_html Average state transition times in HTML format

state_rate Matrix showing status of issues over a given period.

state_totals Report matrix showing issues by priority and date

status_rpt Report based on attribute for a given state

summarize_files Output a summary of files in each group

sw_maturity_rpt Matrix showing num of open & closed issues over a period

thread_checkout Used by double_click script to check files out.

thread_to_latest Update a thread to the latest file versions

time_range Output issues whose time attr is within specified range

validate_issue_form Example of how to validate the fields on an issue form


Validate the parent/child info on the issue form

whats_checked_out Output of files currently checked out


Output of files currently checked out in HTML format


Summary of sample files

ForwardDB.sample Supports $RAZOR_HOME/examples/issue_forward

rz_notice.sample Sample usage of rz_notice

Wdefaults.sample Resource settings supported by PC's

Xdefaults.sample X resource settings

XKeysymDB Keysym settings for SunOS/Solaris



File: ForwardDB.sample

This is a SAMPLE ForwardDB file which supports the issue_forward script located in $RAZOR_HOME/examples. The

issue_forward script supports the capability to forward issues from one database to another. The file 'ForwardDB' is the

mechanism used to define the databases where issues will be forwarded. The location of this file is set up by the user

and referenced in the script issue_forward.


This template is a replacement for the file that normally appears in the Tables directory of each

thread group. It is optimized to use RCS commands directly rather using the 'razor' program as a wrapper. The result is

a much faster "get" operation. If you are using SCCS as your version control engine, a sibling version of this file for SCCS

also exists in the examples directory.

This script template is used by the Threads tool of the Razor tool suite. It will be used as the header to the script

which will populate a set of directories with files defined for a version of a Thread. Note that the get_file() function

must exist because the Threads program will append commands to obtain files using this command.

File: Wdefaults.sample

This file contains a collection of resource settings that are honored by the PC clients. These settings

are a subset of the resources honored via the Xdefaults file.

File: XKeysymDB

This file is used to set the keysyms for SunOS and Solaris systems. A copy of this file was placed in

$RAZOR_HOME/lib for that purpose.

File: Xdefaults.sample

This file contains a collection of Xdefault settings that the various Razor programs honor. There is a lot

here, but you may find some gems that will help you out.

File: activity_range

Usage: activity_range [-g group] mm/dd/ccyy [mm/dd/ccyy] If no end date is specified, today's date will be used.

If no group is specified, the ++ISSUES++ group will be used.

File: attr_to_xy

Usage: attr_to_xy [-g <issue group>] [<outfile>] This script will generate an Xdefaults file which uses X/Y positioning

for attributes on an issue form. If <outfile> is specified, output will go to this file, otherwise, stdout will receive the


File: build_default_permissions

Build a new Permissions file based on the current STATE settings. Output will go to the Permissions file in the database.

Usage: build_default_permissions [-g <issues group>]

File: build_default_permissions

This script will ouput file information for the specified group in

the form:

95/11/16,22:54:55 1.2 Doc Manual

95/11/16,22:49:26 1.4 Script Makefile

For the sake of expedience and brevity, this script does not include a robust and fool proof set of 'dummy checks' (are all

the environment variables set, are all the directories there, etc.). This script takes it on faith that the environment variable

$RAZOR_UNIVERSE_DIR has been properly set and that things are where they should be.

File: build_default_permissions

File: changes_to_thread

Usage: changes_to_thread [-v <ver>] <group name> <thread name>Output a summary of which files included in the

specified thread have been updated.

File: close_by_submitter

This script is intended to be attached as a modify.before script for issues. This script should be referenced in the following

file: $RAZOR_UNIVERSE_DIR/DOMAIN_01/++ISSUES++.<group>/Tables/Actions.

File: count_open_closed_issues

Usage: count_open_closed_issues [-p <period>] [-g <issue group>] <mm/dd/ccyy>Generate a status report which

indicates the number of open and closed issues for the specified period (in months) beginning with the input date. If

the -p flag is not specified, the report will be for one month. If the -g flag is not used, the report will be

against the default issues group (++ISSUES++).

File: create_passwd_list

File: create_version_doc

Usage: create_version_doc -f <name> [-g <group>] [-v <version>]

Generate a software version document (svd) in html form for the specified project or thread. An option version

number may also be input to allow a version other than the latest version of the project (or thread) be used for the

generation of the svd. This script will output its results to the $HOME/Razor_reports directory as well as

communicate directly with the users netscape browser if it is running.

If <group> is not specified, ++PROJECT++ will be used. If the <version> is not specified, the latest version will be used.

File: diff_it

Usage: diff_it <group name> <filename> [<version>]

Output the sdiff of the specified file in the file system and version <version> of the specified file. If <version> is not

specified, the latest version will be used. The output is sent to stdout.

File: display_issue

Usage: display_issue [-g <issue group>] <Issue name>

Sample script to display the contents of an issue by passing it through rz_issue_summarize_file

File: double_click

This script is intended to be attached to the double-click action of a file group. This action will take effect when a user

double clicks a file in the THREADS edit dialog. Here, we show how to run another script in an xterm window. The script

will ask the user where they want to check a file out to and will create a branch if necessary.

Usage: double_click <file> <latest ver> <included ver> <included flag>

File: dump_db

Usage: dump_db -g <group> [-d <delim>]

Dump the contents of the database in a form acceptable to load into a spreadsheet.

NOTE: This script is intended to be used with issues or threadgroups only.

File: extract_project

This script will extract all files in all threads referenced by a given project.

File: file_diff

Usage: file_diff <group name> <filename> <version1> <version2>

Output the sdiff of version1 and version2 of the specified file. The output is sent to stdout.

File: file_must_change

This script is intended to be attached as a check-in before script. It will not allow the file to be checked in unless

its contents have changed.

File: find_empty

Usage: find_empty -g <group>Find all empty directories in the group specified.

File: get_associated_issues

Usage: get_associated_issues [-f <file>] <project> <ver>

This utility script is used by create_version_doc. Generate an html table listing issues associated to the specified

threads in the input project. If the -f flag is specified, it will be assumed that the named file will be the project file to

use for the processing.

File: get_checkin_info

Usage: get_checkin_info <filename>

This script is intended to be attached to the checkin.apply AFTER script. It will dump out the last check in information

(ie the check in information for this operation) to stdout and should be redirected to a file to be of any value. This can

be useful for sites that want to generate logs files above and beyond the History files generated by Razor.

File: get_previous_issue

Usage: get_previous_issue <issue number>

Get the previous version of an issue.

File: get_template

Usage: get_template <section> <project file>

This script is used by create_version_doc. Get a template for a given section of an SVD. Output results in

html form on stdout

File: ileaf.after

This script will un-tar the file specified to extract an interleaf file. This script should be attached as an after script for the

introduce, check-out, check-in and readonly operations.

NOTE: Users MUST have a Filetype entry of Interleaf

File: ileaf.before

This script will tar the files required to create an interleaf file. This script should be attached as a before script for the

introduce and check-in operations.

NOTE: Users MUST have a Filetype entry of Interleaf

File: intro.before

Sample introduce BEFORE script which will set the filetype and binary attributes of a file as necessary.

File: is_member_of_role

Usage: is_member_of_role [-g <group>] <id line>

Determine if $USER is a member of the input role. The input line will consist of a space separated list of user ids and

role names Return a 1 if USER is a member, zero if not.

NOTE: <id line> must be a comma separated list if more than oneentry exists

File: is_on_access_list

Usage: is_on_access_list <operation>

Make sure that the user has permission to change the database. The file

$RAZOR_UNIVERSE_DIR/DOMAIN_01/$RAZOR_GROUP/Tables/Access_list is checked to control this access. If the

file does not exist, the script will look in the database-wide file in $RAZOR_UNIVERSE_DIR/Tables/Access_list.

The format of the Access_list is:

<Operation> <TAB> <Role>

Where <Operation> is whatever string you want to define and pass to this script from your BEFORE script. For example,

your checkout.apply before script could invoke this script as: is_on_access_list CHECK_OUT

Your Access_list file could then have a line to allow only members of the DEV role to check files out: CHECK_OUT %DEV

If neither file is found, an error notice will be presented to the user and the operation will fail.

File: issue_closed_since

Usage: issue_closed_since [-g <issue group>] <mm/dd/CCyy>

Output all issues which were set to the last STATE since the specified date.

NOTE: The output of this report may be very wide. Users may want to print the results in landscape mode.

File: issue_dup

This script will duplicate the contents of the specified issue.

Usage: issue_dup [-g <issue group>] <Issue number>

File: issue_forward

This script will be invoked when a user has moved an Issue to the Forward state. It will look at the value of the

Forward_to field, (which may be either a TEXT_FIELD, ONE_OF_MANY or ONE_OF_MANY_STACK), lookup its translation

in the ForwardDB file and make an e-mail submission to that database. Only the Problem Description text will

be forwarded to the other database along with a note of where it was forwarded from.

Since this script is invoked by the Issues tool its syntax is defined as: issue_forward <Issue name>#<pid>

<e-mail notification> For this script, the e-mail notification parameter will be ignored.

NOTE: The definition of FORWARD_DB_FILE must be configured to point to your ForwardDB file. This file is a space

separated list with entries as follows:

<Database name> <Database path>


The <Database name> will be the name that users refer to. The <Database path> is the path to the

RAZOR_UNIVERSE directory for the database.



This script should be attached to the modify.apply BEFORE entry in the Tables/Actions file for each database you want


File: issue_mail

This script will parse the Issues form and based on the responsible_individual field, send mail to the approriate person when

this action item is generated.



1. (as root) Add the mail alias razor_new_issue to the /etc/aliases file: razor_new_issue: "|/home/elmo/mark/bin/issue_mail"

2. (as root) Execute 'newaliases' to install the new alias

3. Modify the 'Permissions' file in the Tables directory for Issues. The last column of the line which specifies permissions

for new issues should look like this (assuming Submitted is the first state): Submitted Submitted * razor_new_issue

4. Enjoy.

File: issue_query

This script is intended to be an email catcher which takes an issue number from the subject line and returns an

rz_issue_summarize report.

File: issue_state_report

Usage: issue_state_report <state> <attr_label> <attr_val>

Output all issues which are at the STATE <state> and have an attribute label of <attr_label> with a value of <attr_val>

outputing this information in the format: Issue Created <state> Title

File: issue_summarize_short_html

Usage: issue_summarize_short_html [<issue list>] This script will generate a short summary of issues in <issue list>or

ALL issues if no list is provided. The output will be in HTML form.When completed the report will show up in your

netscape browser if it is running.

File: issues_wrapper

Make sure that there is at least 1 license left for non-interactive users. This example script should be renamed to be

'issues' and placed into a location which appears in the users path before $RAZOR_HOME/bin. A good spot for this may be


File: list_all_files

This script will output a list of all files in the referenced database.

File: list_open_issues

This script is used by create_version_doc. This script generates a simple summary of all open issues in the

problem tracking system. It does it in two passes. In the first, we just cycle through all of the known issues in numerical

order and output a simple line about each. In the second pass, we sort the data and make it look pretty

File: list_thread

Usage: list_thread <group name> <thread name> Output a summary of what files included in the specified thread.

File: mail_from_attrs

This script will parse the Issues form and based on the Affected_module field, send mail to the approriate person(s)

when an issue with the desired Affected_module value is modified.



1. Create a file which contains one line for each possible value that the Affected_module attribute may take on. Each

line would be of the format: <value> <email addresses>

2. Modify the parameter LIST in this script to reflect where the new file is located.

3. Attach this script as an 'After' action of the Modify.apply in the 'Actions' file in the Issues 'Tables' directory.

File: mail_issue_changes

Compare the current issue with the previous issue and email the differences to the issue originator and those defined in

the Responsibility field. If you would like to use a field other than the one named Responsibility, change the definition

of WHO_FIELD below. If you do not want changes sent to the originator of the issue, change the setting of

SEND_TO_ORIGINATOR to be 0. This script is intended to be attached as an Issues modify.after script.

File: may_i

This SAMPLE script illustrates how to allow only the user 'sam' to promote files to the Tested state.

A script of this nature would be configured into Razor by adding it to the promote.apply BEFORE action in the file


File: must_have_issues

Sample script intended to be attached as a BEFORE script in the Actions file to those actions that you want to require an

issue relationship to have been defined by the user.

File: must_have_issues_at_state

Sample script intended to be attached as a BEFORE script in the Actions file to those actions that you want to require

an issue relationship to have been defined by the user. In this example, each issue must be at the "Approved" state.

File: new_issue_notify

This script will be invoked by the create.after script to notify the responsible person of the new issue. The fields parsed

heremay not match your configuration and should be modified to meet your needs.

Usage: new_issue_notify <issue file> <pid> <e-mail

File: notify_assigned

This script will look at the issue data and send email to the Assigned user if either the STATE or assignment changes. This

script is intended to be attached as part of the modify.apply or create.apply after script in the Actions file.

NOTE: This script assumes that the name of the field containing the assigned user is named "Assigned_to". If your setup

is different you will need to modify the line below which sets the value of ASSIGNED.\

File: notify_assigned


notify_of_stale_issues [-d <days>] [-a <attr_label>]

[-n <who> ] [-g <issue group>]



-d Number of days used when determining if an issue is stale. Default is 14 days. -a Attribute label which defines the

responsibility field. Default is Responsibility -n User to mail to if no user has been set in the responsibility field. Default is

nobody. -g Issue group to use for the analyisis. Default is ++ISSUES++. Notify the users in the Responsibility field of

issues that have not been touched in 14 days.

File: notify_on_assigned

This script will look at the issue data available on stdin and send email to the Assigned user.


This script is intended to be run from an email alias. This alias should be referenced in the Permission file for state

transitions to the Assigned state. A sample /etc/aliases entry would be:

notify_assigned: "|/home/Razor_db/RAZOR_UNIVERSE/Scripts/notify_on_assigned"


File: notify_on_closure

This script utilizes an interesting approach. It gets everything it knows off standard input as a result of having the final

form of an issue e-mail directly into its standard input. So, our first task is just to catch it all into a temporary file.

File: print_ps_sum

Usage: print_ps_sum [<issue list>]

If <issue_list> is specified, it must contain a list of issues to parse. This script can be attached to the Reports pulldown

by adding a report definition for this script and adding the string 'name' as the third parameter.

This script will generate a postscript report containing the issue number, severity, current state, date submitted, title,

name of submitter and name of assignee. Output is piped to $RAZOR_PRINTER. If it is not defined, output will go to


File: priority_vs_state_matrix

This script may be attached as a report script and provides metrics of priority vs. state for the selected issues.

Usage: priority_vs_state

File: project_version_history

This script may be attached as a report script.

Usage: project_version_history

File: project_version_history

Usage: promote_files_in_thread -g <group> -t <thread> [-v <ver>] -s <state>

Promote all files in the specified thread to the desired state. If the thread version is not specified, the latest version of

the thread will be used.

File: razor_browse

This script is a sample editor script which will be invoked during browse operations IF the environment parameter

RAZOR_EDITOR is defined to point to this file. The best way to use this is to copy it to your home directory, modify to

use your favorite editor (this example uses the vi editor), and then set the environment parameter RAZOR_EDITOR

to point to the modified file in your home directory. Don't forget to add the definition of RAZOR_EDITOR to your .cshrc,

or .login, or .profile, or .... wherever you normally initialize your environment.


Usage (as invoked by versions): $RAZOR_EDITOR <fullpath to file> <simple name of file>

File: razor_browse.emacs

This script is a sample Emacs editor script which will be invoked during browse operations IF the environment parameter

RAZOR_EDITOR is defined to point to this file. It makes use of gnuserv clients to bring up a separate Emacs window as

opposed to another Emacs process.


The best way to use this is to copy it to your home directory, make any local customizations needed, and then set the

environment parameter RAZOR_EDITOR to point to the modified file in your home directory. Don't forget to .profile, or

.... wherever you normally initialize your environment.

Usage (as invoked by versions): $RAZOR_EDITOR <fullpath to file> <simple name of file>

NOTE: You may need to change the call from "xemacs" to "emacs" depending on what is installed on your machine.

File: razor_browse.netscape

This script is a sample Netscape browser script which will be invoked during browse operations IF the environment

parameter RAZOR_BROWSER is defined to point to this file.

The best way to use this is to copy it to your home directory, make any local customizations needed, and then set the

environment parameter RAZOR_BROWSER to point to the modified file in your home directory. Don't forget to .profile, or

wherever you normally initialize your environment.

Usage (as invoked by versions): $RAZOR_BROWSER <fullpath to file>

File: reporter

Usage: reporter [-main_page]

reporter [-batch <mm/dd/ccyy> <months>] reporter

This script will provide the user with a list of reports that can be generated and ask for additional input.

If the -main_page flag is set, a new html based main page will be generated. This page will allow users to hot-link

to reports that have been generated.

The -batch option will generate ALL reports and is useful when started from a cron job.

Report output is currently set to: $RAZOR_UNIVERSE_DIR/Reports

File: reporter.cron

This script is intended to be used in a cron job to run ALL reports supported by "reporter".

File: resubmit

This script is intended to be defined as an email catcher. To install it, copy this script to $RAZOR_UNIVERSE_DIR/Scripts

and define an email alias (in /etc/aliases) called resubmit using the following syntax (assuming db is in /3rdparty/Razor_db):

resubmit: "|/3rdparty/Razor_db/RAZOR_UNIVERSE/Scripts/resubmit"

You can then forward returned error emails from the database sync process to the resubmit alias once the problems

have been corrected.


File: role_to_user_list

Usage: role_to_user_list [-g <group>] <id line> Convert a list of users & roles to a list of users

The <id line> MUST be a comma separated list if more than one element is specified.

File: rpt_prolog

This file is a postscript template created with FrameMaker 3.0.

File: rz_issue_mod_mail.show_diffs

This script is a modified version of the standard rz_issue_mod_mail script. The rz_issue_mod_mail script is executed when

an issue is modified and the state change has been configured (see Permissions file) to perform email notification. This

script will not only show the current settings of the issue, but will also output a summary of changes made to the issue.


=> NOTE <= This script is considerably slower than the standard rz_issue_mod_mail due to the processing required to

perform the issue comparison.



Simply copy this script to the $RAZOR_UNIVERSE_DIR/Scripts directory and name it rz_issue_mod_mail to override that

default rz_issue_mod_mail script.

File: rz_notice.sample

Create a sample notice that prompts the user for Name, Address and Phone number. Return values based on the

button selected will be:

Ok: 111

Cancel: 123

Help: 2 <= Positional default


The file notice_text will contain the header information that will appear on the display. All output goes to stdout.

Since it is in a Bourne shell format, we will capture it and dot it in to set the Name, Address and Phone.


This file is a "smart" version of the file which is dotted by Bourne/Korn shell users of the Razor tool suite

to configure the environment.

This file will set the RAZOR_HOME parameter to different locations depending on the operating system in use.



This file is a "smart" version of the rz_prep file which is sourced by users of the Razor tool suite to configure

the environment. This file will set the RAZOR_HOME parameter to different locations depending on the operating

system in use.


File: sample.error_notice

This sample script is intended to illustrate how to have an attached action script have its output messages appear in a

notice, rather than as part of the normal error window popup. It's often easier to define a variable to hold the name

of the file that will hold the information to appear in the notice panel

File: sample_toolbox_usage

This script presents an example of how to use the 'rz_toolbox' shell functions.

File: sample_toolbox_usage.large_lists

This script presents an example of how to use the 'rz_toolbox' shell functions.

File: set_child_issue

Define the parent/child relationship for the specified issue using the Parent attribute of the child form.

File: set_permission

Usage: set_permission <filename>

This script presents an example of how to use the 'rz_toolbox' shell functions to set the execute permission of a file

whose type is Script.

File: show_ver_gt

Usage: show_ver_gt <group> [<version>]

Dump out a list of files which are greater than the specified <version> in the specified <group>. If no <version> is input,

version 1.1 will be used.

File: sorted_issue_summary

Usage: sorted_issue_summary [-a <attr_label>] [-g <issue group>] [-m <file>]

Output a list of issues that are not closed sorted by Priority. This script will use $RAZOR_HOME/scripts/rz_issue_status to

generate an initial list of issue status. This list will then be sorted by Priority and the Closed issues will be removed. If

an attribute other than Priority is desired, the <attr_label> should be specified on the command line.


If the -m flag is used, each user specified in <file> will be notified via email with the sorted list. In this case, the output

will not be sent to stdout.

File: spill







File: state_avg

Usage: state_avg [-l <list>] [-g <issue grp>] [-h] [-r] [-f] [-n <no action>] <from state> <to state>

Output the avg time between states. If a <no action> state is specified, issues that have gone through that state

will not be included in the sampling. If the -h flag is specified, an HTML table will be generated. The -r flag indicates that

the HTML that is generated should be "raw", that is, it should only generate the table info without a table header or

footer. The -f flag will force a table footer to be appended to the output.

File: state_avg.tbl

This table is used by the script state_avg_html. It defines which state transitions to consider for its processing. The

first column defines the from state, the second the to state and the third field defines the No-Action or Hold state name

that if ever set will cause that issue sample to be thrown out. The third field is optional.

File: state_avg_html

Usage: state_avg_html [<issue list>]

This script will generate a table of state transition times in HTML form. The file state_avg.tbl MUST exist in the same

directory as this script and contain a table of state transitions to consider.

File: state_rate

Usage: state_rate [-m <months>] [-g <issue grp>] [ -s <state> [-s <state>]...] [-f <filter>] [-t] -d <mm/dd/ccyy>"


where: -m <months> - Number of months to base report -s <state> - One column of output for each -s <state>

-f <filter> - A file containing a tab separated filter definition to limit output -t <len> - Trim the state columns to <len>

characters. This is useful for ASCII only output -d - Date to start report from in the form mm/dd/yyyy

File: state_totals

Usage: state_totals [ -a <attr_label> ] [-g <issue grp>] <mm/dd/ccyy>

Output the number of issues at each <attr label> by state since a given date. If <attr_label> is not specified, the

attribute 'Priority' will be used.

File: status_rpt

Generate an issues report for a given state (default = Submitted), by the specified attr/value pair.

Usage: status_rpt [-g <issue group>] [-s <state>] [-m <months>] [-v <attr_val>] [-f <filter file>] [-t]

-a <attr_name> -d <mm/dd/yyyy>


-m <months> - Number of months to base report -s <state> - State to consider as the basis for the report

-f <filter> - A file containing a tab separated filter definition to limit output -a <attr> - Attribute to display in the X-axis

of the table -v <value> - Optionally geneate report for only issues whose <attr> is set to <value>. -t <len> -

Trim the columns to <len> characters. This is useful for ASCII only output -d - Date to start report from in the form


File: summarize_files

This script will spin through a Razor database and generate a summary of files in each group and the last modification date.

File: sw_maturity_rpt

Usage:sw_maturity_rpt [-a <attr label>] [-p <period>] [-g <issue grp>] <mm/dd/ccyy>

Generate a Software Maturity report which indicates the number of open and closed issues for the <period> month

period beginning from the specified date as well as the total open and closed issues.

The output will be separated based on the value of <attr label>. If <attr_label> is not specified, the attribute 'Priority'

will be used.

File: thread_checkout

This script is invoked by the double_click script to check the selected file (from threads) out.

Usage: thread_checkout <file> <latest ver> <included ver> <included flag>

File: thread_to_latest

Usage: thread_to_latest <group> <thread>

Update the contents of the specified thread so that it contains the latest version of all files.

File: time_range

Usage: time_range <time attr name> [ <from date> [ <to date> ] ] Output all time settings for issues whose

TIME_STAMP <time attr name> are within the date range specified. It is assumed that for this example

that the TIME_STAMP uses %D as its format. If no time parameters are specified, todays date will be used

File: validate_issue_form

An example of how to check information on a issue form. If no group

is specified the default issues group will be used.

File: validate_parent_child

Validate that the parent/child relationship is valid. This involves making sure that if we close the parent, all related

children are also closed.

File: whats_checked_out

Print out the names of all files in the RAZOR_UNIVERSE_DIR which are checked out.

Usage: whats_checked_out [<user>]

File: whats_checked_out_html

Print out the names of all files in the RAZOR_UNIVERSE_DIR which are checked out.

Usage: whats_checked_out_html [-html] <group> [<user>]